

If your child has a cavity, they’re going to need a filling, even if it’s in their baby teeth. The team at Perfect Teeth For Kids is highly skilled at administering composite fillings and are dedicated to making your child’s procedure as quick and painless as possible.

A filling is a dental procedure that’s used to treat a cavity. Cavities form when sugars, starches, and food debris build-up on your child’s teeth, leading to the formation of plaque. When left for too long, the acids contained in plaque begin to eat away at the hard, outer layer (or enamel) of your child’s teeth, eventually forming a small hole. This is also known as tooth decay. Untreated cavities are painful and can lead to a number of other problems, such as infected tooth pulp (which requires a root canal to treat) or tooth loss.

Even though your child’s baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, it’s incredibly important to treat any cavities that might form. We make a point of removing decayed areas while properly restoring the appearance and function of both baby and adult teeth to ensure that the restoration is reliable. Your child’s comfort is also among our top priorities during any restoration; you can feel confident knowing that we will do everything we can to keep your child comfortable and safe.

Don’t wait for your child’s cavity to decay further. Make an appointment with the team at Perfect Teeth For Kids and get your dental filling today!



