Additional Services


In addition to our standard services, Perfect Teeth for Kids also offers a variety of specialty services not often found at your typical pediatric dentist.

Teeth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a frightening thought for any child, but there is nothing to be worried about. The Perfect Teeth For Kids team is dedicated to making your child’s visit as quick, painless, and comfortable as possible. With a team of experienced dentists and a warm, inviting office, Perfect Teeth For Kids is the best environment to put your child’s mind at ease during a tooth extraction.

 Tooth extraction is the complete removal of a tooth from its socket. In pediatric dentistry, tooth extraction is typically only performed if your child’s tooth is damaged or decayed beyond repair. An overcrowded mouth makes it difficult for your child’s permanent teeth to grow in properly. To prevent overcrowding, and serious orthodontic treatment down the road, a tooth extraction can help give your child’s new teeth room to grow.

 The team at Perfect Teeth For Kids wants to make sure your child’s tooth extraction is as quick and painless as possible. To learn more about the tooth extraction process, call our office or book an appointment online today.

Hospital Dentistry

If your child needs extensive dentistry or they have a disability preventing them from getting the pediatric dental care they need, receiving treatment in a hospital may be recommended. Our pediatric dentists might recommend hospital dentistry for patients with multiple oral health issues that require treatment, have disabilities, low resistance to infection, weak immune systems, behavioral issues, or high dental anxiety or fear.


Hospital dentistry generally entails sedation dentistry where pediatric dentists offer general anesthesia in a hospital setting so your child can sleep during their procedure. General anesthesia can be less traumatic for your child if they need a long intensive procedure and is a good choice for children who have difficulty controlling their own movement because of physical disability. It has always been our goal to make sure our patients safely and comfortably receive pediatric dental care. Throughout the procedure, we’ll monitor your child’s breathing and vitals. To discuss hospital dentistry options with our pediatric dentists, contact our office today.


If your child is struggling to eat or speak properly, or you’re having issues with breastfeeding, a simple procedure may be just what they need to thrive. The Perfect Teeth for Kids team will soon offer frenectomies — a procedure in which the connective tissue beneath the upper lip or underneath the tongue is removed — for their pediatric patients with speech problems, chewing difficulties, and orthodontic issues.

 In dentistry, a frenectomy refers to the removal of the connective tissue underneath the tongue or on the gums beneath the upper lip. If this connective tissue, also called a frenulum, is too large or tight, it can impact a child’s ability to speak, chew, or latch on while breastfeeding.

 Pediatric dentists often use special soft tissue lasers to essentially vaporize the tissue without causing complications. Laser therapy offers a number of benefits over traditional surgery. In addition to being quick and effective, laser therapy typically results in less blood and discomfort — perfect for infants, toddlers, and small children. The recovery time for frenectomies is fast and usually comes with very few, if any, complications. Once your child’s mouth heals, their tongue or upper lip should feel more comfortable with an increased range of motion.

When it comes to dental procedures like frenectomies, it’s important to have a dental team that truly cares about your child’s comfort. Call Perfect Teeth for Kids or book an appointment online today to learn more about frenectomies in children’s dentistry.

Nitrous Oxygen

Each child deals with a dentist appointment differently. Some kids are pretty calm and easy going, but others have some level of anxiety about going to the dentist. For more anxious children, we offer sedation dentistry. At Perfect Teeth for Kids, we use a variety of relaxation tools and techniques to help your child have a comfortable and fun experience. For children who are especially nervous about their visit or have difficulty sitting still, our pediatric dentists offer sedation options appropriate for children.

Many mildly anxious children respond very well to “laughing gas”, or nitrous oxide/oxygen, and is a safe and effective for treating children. We place a mask gently over the nose and the child will smell a sweet, pleasant aroma. Some children or treatments may require medication to lightly sedate the child. We determine which medicine to use based on your child’s overall health, level of anxiety and dental treatment. Oral sedation medication can take up to an hour to become effective. Most children become relaxed and sometimes drift into a light sleep, but they can be easily aroused.

At Perfect Teeth for Kids, we are committed to our young patients and helping them remain calm and secure. We want your child to have a positive experience every time they visit!

In-Office General Anesthesia 

General anesthesia, also known as “sleep dentistry”, is a safe option for children when longer procedures or surgery is required. As a comfortable and safe way to treat your child, general anesthesia can allow your child to undergo a complete treatment with much less stress for certain treatments including x-rays, cleanings, drillings, fillings, extractions, crowns, or sealants. An important advantage for using general anesthesia during dental work is that treatments can be performed more quickly and your child won’t be struggling to endure the procedures. In addition, anesthesia medications can have an amnesia effect that means your child won’t remember much about anything related to the procedure.

 Perfect Teeth For Kids is all about kids, and we make it our mission to take care of your kids. We provide exceptional dental care to young patients in a caring and compassionate environment. Our team helps children, and their parents, feel at ease with our commitment to open communication and personalized care. If your toddler or younger child is experiencing dental issues but exhibits an extreme fear of the dentist, you may want to consider general anesthesia. In fact, some older children fear the dentist as a result of earlier treatment, also making them candidates. General anesthesia can allow your child to undergo important dental care treatments and avoid most of the stress and fear. And by avoiding trauma at an early age, your child may eventually outgrow their fear of the dentist so that future visits won’t be as difficult. Contact our office to learn more.


Preventative Dentistry